MIM combinations ensure smooth interaction between printer and software, as they contain the most important parameters for the printing process which are automatically implemented during printing. There are numerous tips and tricks that can be used to create and apply MIM's even more easily. We would like to share these with you in this blog article.
The first two parts of this article can be found under Tips and Tricks for MIM's - Part 1: What are MIM's and where did I get them from and in Tips and Tricks for MIM's - Part 2: Duplicating and Editing MIM's.
Note: Please note that the following tips may not apply to MIM's for the screen workflow, as other settings are required for this.
How do I create a completely new MIM combination?
If you do not have the option of obtaining a ready-made MIM that is matched to your printer setup or adapting an existing MIM accordingly, you can create a new MIM combination in the ColorGATE software.
Although this can be done in various ways, it makes the most sense to create a new MIM during the linearization and profiling process. This has the advantage that a linearization file and an output profile are created during this process. These two files are components of the MIM, so all components for using the MIM are then available (you can find more information on profiling in our blog article Profiling in Digital Printing).
Please note that you will need an appropriate measuring device and the ColorGATE Profiler Module for this:
- Open the Linearization and Profiling Assistant under “Options” > “Linearization and Profiling Assistant...” and click on
(„Creation of new linearizations“).
- After entering a file name, the assistant opens. To create a new MIM, click on “MIM Administration” and then on
(“Create new MIM combination”).
- In the following dialog, define all the settings for the new MIM.
Optionally, you can copy the settings of an existing MIM (arrow next to> “Copy settings from another MIM”). These are then copied automatically and only need to be adjusted.
If you are creating new settings, first enter the names for Medium, Ink and Metamode:
Please note that MIM combinations are later selected according to a kind of tree structure: Several different inks can be assigned to a medium, and several metamodes to an ink.If Medium 1 is selected, Tinte 1, 2 or 3 can be selected.
If Tinte 1 is selected, Metamodus 1 or 2 can be selected.
If Tinte 3 is selected, Metamodus 4 or 5 can be selected.
Therefore, when entering the names, please ensure that you always use the same name for the same medium (or the same ink). This is the only way to ensure that all possible options are displayed later when selecting the MIM.
It also makes sense that the name for the metamode contains the most important information about the metamode (e.g. screening method, resolution, dot shape, angle/workflow type, uni-/bidirectional). This allows you to see the most important settings for this MIM at a glance later on and to assign them more easily.
For ink and medium, you have the option of entering parameters for the cost calculation. To do this, click on the “...” field next to the ink or medium name. -
Select the workflow (Production, Proof, ColorServer, ReproProof) for which the MIM is being created.
- Now click on
to adjust the advanced settings defined in the MIM. Which settings are necessary and desired ast this point varies from case to case and depends on numerous factors (printer, printing environment, desired effects, etc.). For this reason, only the most common and standardized settings are explained below.
Please also note that with a completely new MIM, only the settings in the “Print Mode” tab need to be adjusted initially. The default settings on all other tabs can be left for the time being.
Profiles tab: Depending on the requirements, it may be useful to create a MIM with, and one without pure colors, ambient light profile or saturation enhancement, for example. This means that the corresponding presets are already available for various requirements.
Multicolor tab: As a rule, the default settings can be left on this tab.
Print Mode tab: For a completely new MIM, the settings on this tab in particular should be adjusted. For example, certain special color settings can be made here, e.g. “Flood” or “Selective” can be defined for special colors (e.g. White) or a special ink set can be activated.
However, please bear in mind that the specific options available here depend heavily on the printer model.
Screens tab: As a rule, the default settings can remain unchanged on this tab.
Grayscale Conversion tab: If you want to perform a grayscale conversion, it is recommended that you create your own MIM with the corresponding settings.
Color Correction tab: It may make sense to create one MIM with and one without color correction, as you will always have the settings without correction available. - Once you have made all the desired settings and saved them by clicking on “OK”, the new MIM is displayed in the “MIM Administration” dialog. Select the MIM here so that it is used for further linearization.
After successful linearization and profiling, the corresponding linearization file and an output profile are automatically assigned to this MIM and the MIM can be used for print jobs.
What do I do if there are differences in the print output despite the MIM?
If you have been using a MIM for a long time or if changes have been made to the paper quality or ink set, there may occasionally be small irregularities in the print output.
In this case, the print behaviour can be easily corrected with ColorGATE's Media Device Synchronization, as this performs a recalibration to the status at the time of profiling - without the need for a completely new linearization and profiling. You can find more information on this in our blog article Colors in Sync: A Journey into Print Precision.
We hope we have been able to give you helpful tips and tricks for MIM combinations. Detailed information and step-by-step instructions can be found in the online help, which you can access at any time from the ColorGATE software by pressing F1.
If you are already a ColorGATE customer and have a technical question about MIM's, please create a web ticket (you can find out how to do this here: ColorGATE Web Support - Creating Web Tickets).
Otherwise, if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at contact@colorgate.com.
We wish you every success with your ColorGATE software!