Less ink - same quality: ColorGATE's Ink Saver

You want to reduce printing costs without compromising on the usual high quality of your printouts? 

ColorGATE provides a solution for this apparent contradiction: the Ink Saver Module, which allows you to save up to 30% on ink costs, especially for color-intensive prints, while at the same time stabilizing the printing process - without any optical loss of quality!

But how does it work? 

With Ink Saver technology, each pixel of a print file is analyzed to see if there is a color combination that looks the same but uses less ink. This process is based on the concept of under color removal (UCR), but goes far beyond the standards available in the industry. 

As a result, the color composition is optimized so that CMY components in the motif are reduced as best as possible and are replaced with a greater portion of black. This minimizes the total amount of ink, leads to improved color consistency and reduces possible metamerism effects. Visual or metrological quality losses therefore do not occur, and even under changing lighting conditions you always get a reliable, consistent color impression.



In addition, the use of Ink Saver leads to a stabilization of the printing process as well as to a reduction in drying times and thus to less energy consumption - positive side effects that make the printing process even higher quality and more cost-effective. 

And because every print job is different and different levels of ink savings are possible, you can specify separately for each print the Delta E tolerance to the original motif. In this way, you decide for yourself what the ratio of ink reduction and color accuracy should be compared to the original - and can thus save even more ink.

InkSaver_DeltaE                                          No Ink Saver                                                                        Conventional Ink Saver: -10%                         Ink Saver with increased tolerance for color deviations: -17%


The Ink Saver is available for all printers whose separations are generated directly by Productionserver. An upgrade with Ink Saver is also possible at any time. Simply check our list of supported devices  to see if your printer supports the Ink Saver, or contact us at cs@colorgate.com 

We look forward to advising you on the Ink Saver!