Determining current expenditure, monitoring it constantly and reducing it wherever possible is essential for any profitable company.
Precise and transparent cost management is a prerequisite for this: It is the only way to keep control of your budget, determine exactly where savings should be made and maximize your profits.
Ideally, cost control should take place in real time so that you can quickly identify deviations and take flexible corrective measures - in good time, before you have to forfeit profits. A suitable reporting tool provides the desired overview, because although cost control is essential, it should take up as little time and resources as possible.
However, it is not only the precise monitoring of the current budget and any potential savings that are decisive for the profitability of your company. Cost estimates for future orders also require a well-founded and realistic cost basis.
But this is often difficult to determine, especially in digital printing: Which printer uses how much ink and how much media for which order? What are the resulting costs and what other expenses may arise?
Cost Control with the Cost Calculation Module
This is where ColorGATE supports you and offers you the ideal tool for cost control with the Cost Calculation Module. Perfectly tailored to the requirements of digital printing, you can easily integrate it into your - even existing - ColorGATE software.
To determine the exact costs incurred specifically by your company, enter once the prices of the media and inks used. Additional costs (e.g. for individual orders or specific customers) can also be saved in the database. On this basis, the Cost Calculation Module calculates the consumption data and the total costs incurred for each desired print job.
This not only gives you an overview of which order causes which costs, but thanks to the standardized reference system, you can also easily compare the costs of different printing systems, for example.
On request, cost reports can be generated in CSV or HTML format for specific time periods, orders or printers. They can be filtered according to various criteria, so that you always have a quick overview of all relevant cost factors and can evaluate them efficiently.
This makes it easy to optimize the use of resources and maximize your profits accordingly.
But with the Cost Calculation Module, you don't have to wait until after printing to find out what costs you have incurred. Even before printing, you can determine exactly what ink and media costs will be incurred when printing a particular print job - so that you can calculate precisely and create accurate cost estimates. This is a decisive added value that allows you to avoid miscalculations and to be sure that every order pays off for you.
By the way: with ColorGATE you can reduce your production costs even further. Our Ink Saver technology, for example, reduces ink costs by up to 30% - while maintaining the same high quality. You can find out more about this in our blog article Less ink - same quality: ColorGATE's Ink Saver.
If you are interested in the Cost Calculation Module or have any further questions, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you!