Container + improvements

Did you know our Container + improvements ? No??? The following blog entry will show you the Container + improvements.

Container + Hot folder level


  • The new container tab on hot folder level allows a flexible way to create new containers.
  • It also holds the options for the hot-container now. This setting was previously located on the “Workflow” tab.

container tab


Applying Container+ settings improved


  • The Container settings of the first hotfolder are now the default setting that will be applied to all newly created container from the job archive. These settings will be automatically assigned to all jobs in the job queue.
  • This allows to create a global preset for the container creation. In addition, it is possible to quickly apply another set of options from another hotfolder by using the new quick selection feature.
  • In effect this increases efficiency of the container creation process and reduces errors that could happen while manually editing the settings.



Container + preview zooming

  • Improved zooming in Container by utilizing the mouse wheel.
  • It is now possible to zoom in and out of the container preview by scrolling the mousewheel.
  • The Zoom will be centered around the mousecursor so it is now much easier to zoom into the required area.
