Updating your printer definitions and profiles from V8 to V9

In the past the upgrade from one version to another needed to be done manually and took time and patience. Thanks to the integrated function for backup and restore in version 8.11 the update can be done fully automatically and without hassles.

Please note that 8.11 and 9.XX require a V9 Dongle and both versions can be installed on the same system.

Naturally everything starts in Version 8.11. Just choose Options > System Configuration > Backup.


Under Program settings you can find for example your measurement device settings or which printer is active at the moment. Under “Printer definitions” the hot folder settings will be saved, you can even include your job files if you would like to transfer them to your new system as well. This way you can reprint files, without ripping them again, in your Version 9. When you choose “profiles and linearizations” not only will all pertinent profile and linearization files be saves but also your mim combinations. If you are using the cost calculation module you can also save the database to use in future versions. “Backup raster data” will only be visible if you are using FilmGATE or PlateGATE or their modules. This is important for customers using custom screen sets.

Use the comment area to take notes on the back up so later you can better understand why the backup was made.

The destination folder and Filename can be changed at will of course.


One click on “OK” and you will see what the uncompressed size of your backup data is.


The more files you have the longer it will take to save your back up of course. When you choose “Yes” all your files will be ZIPed to save space and saved. Be advised if several Gigabytes need to be saved this can take over 10 Minutes.


When saving has been completed you will then be asked if you should be reminded of the next back up.


Now you have backed up your V8.11 and can continue with V9. Please start V9 with Administration rights so there will be no problems with writing privileges.

Then go to Options > System Configuration > Restore and open the Backup file


Choose “Open” and go to your backup file.


As you see, you will be informed from which version the backup file was made and what has been saved. You are able to control what should be imported in the “Restore items” check boxes. The blue “i” informs you that this backup has been created in a different version than what you are using. Under “Restore options” you are able to choose how overwriting of existing files should be handled and if the data folders from the backup INI should be used or not. You can also choose if the Hot and Job folder paths should remain the same or you can also direct them how you would like. When you choose “OK” you may receive a window which asks you which existing files you would like to overwrite. When updating from V8 to V9 you may for the most part overwrite all files.


After importing all settings the software informs you that it needs to be restarted.


Once this is done the data which you have imported is visible and you can work in V9 as you did in V8. It is advisable to check all of your hot folder settings to see if there were no problems during the update and of course to see the new options and possibilities in V9.